Mexican boy with massive tumor now living in New Mexico

This Jan. 30, 2015 photo provided by Kristean Alcocer shows Jose Antonio Ramirez Serrano recovering from his surgery at his home in Rio Rancho, N.M. Ramirez Serrano, 11, who had portions of a massive tumor removed is living comfortably in Rio Rancho with his family as he prepares for more treatment. Kristean Alcocer of the First Baptist Church of Rio Rancho said Ramirez Serrano and his family are staying in a rented Rio Rancho home thanks to donations from church members. (AP Photo/Kristean Alcocer)

FILE - In this July 20, 2012 file photo, the father of a Ciudad Juarez-born boy suffering from a massive tumor who U.S. Homeland Security identified only as "Jose," examines his shoulder at the First Baptist Church of Rio Rancho, N.M. The 11-year-old Mexican boy, who had been suffering from the massive tumor and came to New Mexico for treatment, has had the growth removed. The boy underwent surgery Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 at the University of New Mexico Children's Hospital to remove the tumor from his neck, shoulder and torso area. (AP Photo/Russell Contreras, File)

An 11-year-old Mexican boy who had portions of a massive tumor removed in New Mexico is living comfortably in Rio Rancho with his family as he prepares for more treatment.

Kristean Alcocer of the First Baptist Church of Rio Rancho said Jose Antonio Ramirez Serrano and his family are staying in a rented Rio Rancho home thanks to donations from church members.

Alcocer says members also helped the family with the purchase of a 2006 Pontiac Mountaineer van.

Last year, doctors at University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque removed a third of the boy's watermelon-sized tumor during the surgery.

In July 2012, U.S. Homeland Security Investigations assisted in picking up Jose and his parents from a neighborhood in Ciudad Juarez - one of the deadliest cities in the world because of drug cartels.

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