Med student dies trying to get lips enlarged

Pic shows: the 23 yo young woman who died on the operation table; A pretty 23-year-old medical student died on a cosmetic surgeon’s operating table while she was being prepared for surgery to have her lips enlarged. Victim Maria Delyukina - who was already a qualified dentist - had booked into the private clinic in Volgograd, southern Russia, for lip enlargement and at the same time to have her chin re-profiled. But as she was being anaesthetised for the procedure, she suddenly went into massive anaphylactic shock and began fitting uncontrollably. Her death was put down to an allergic reaction. The cosmetic surgery team managed to stabilise her while they called paramedics but Maria was declared dead before she arrived at hospital. The surgeon performing the operation - not named in local media - said: "I want to address my deepest condolences to the parents of the young woman who died in our clinic." He added: "We did all we could, we ran tests before giving her injections. It was anaphylaxis reaction." Anaphylactic shock is a severe allergic reaction to a drug or substance which can cause fatal breathing complications or low blood pressure. Now officials will conduct an autopsy to discover why pre-operative tests did not pick up her allergy. (CEN)

A 23-year-old dentist and medical student died after experiencing an allergic reaction on the operating table, where she was supposed to undergo cosmetic surgery.

Maria Delyukina went to private clinic in Volgograd, southern Russia, to have her lips enlarged and chin re-profiled, Central European News (CEN) reported.

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While the team administered anesthesia, Delyukina suffered massive anaphylactic shock. Though the team tried to stabilize her and transport her to emergency care, she died before she arrived at the hospital.

Anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction to a drug or substance, can cause fatal breathing complications or low blood pressure.

Officials plan to conduct an autopsy to figure out why pre-operative tests didn’t detect the woman’s allergy, CEN reported.

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