Identical twins give birth hours apart at same hospital

Baby feet of twins. (JurgaR)

Identical twin sisters who both partnered with men named William gave birth just hours apart from each other at the same Massachusetts hospital last month. Rachael McGeoch and Beccy Pistone, 34, said they’ve gone through life doing everything together, and had joked about the possibility of having their babies on the same day, the Daily News reported.

McGeoch’s due date was estimated for Aug. 1, but after two weeks of little progress, Pistone traveled with her fiancé, who goes by Todd, to Cambridge from their home in Cape Cod to be near her.


“Twin Power: After 2.5 days of trying to induce me and nothing working, we knew we needed to be together,” McGeoch wrote in an Aug. 20 Facebook post. “Bec came up to Boston to hold my hand and I finally went into active labor. As she and Bill were supporting me, she went into labor too.”

The two were admitted to Mount Auburn Hospital in rooms next door to each other, and while Pistone labored all night, she was able to hear the moment her nephew was born.

“Bec and crew were banging on the walls as they heard our baby William born at 10:41pm!” McGeoch wrote. “Bec labored all night and morning but had not made much progress, the baby was in the wrong position and she was stalled. We knew she need some inspiration.”

McGeoch said staff helped her sneak William over to his aunt for a visit so she could hold him.

“We sat with her and shortly after she was fully dilated and pushed Andi out in 24 mins! So they are only 20 hours apart!!” McGeoch wrote.


The new mom told the Daily News that she thinks the babies take after their dads.

“There are so many awesome things about being a twin but this might take the cake!” she wrote on Facebook. “Big thanks to Bec and Todd for forfeiting their plans to have Andi at Cape Cod Hospital, to our families who were all there supporting us and to all the Midwives, Nurses and staff at Mt. Auburn Hospital who understood the twin connection and made this all possible.”

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