The Allens have become famously unconventional parents, and they want your money to keep it that way. Adele and Matt Allen live in England with their children, 5-year-old Ulysses and 1-year-old Ostara, and practice "off-grid parenting." That means no vaccinations or modern medicine, no formal schooling, no separate beds, and no shoes for the children, Slate reports.
According to Us Magazine, the children's placentas and umbilical cords were left to rot off naturally (salt and rose petals attempted to mask the smell), and Ulysses hasn't started to learn numbers or letters (Adele believes he'll pick them up naturally in a few years).
The 5-year-old still breastfeeds, Treehugger reports. While the Allens probably could have continued their unconventional parenting practices in peace, they've decided to go international with their story in the hopes of raising more than $132,000 to move to Costa Rica and purchase a large piece of land to live on, according to their donation page.
Unfortunately for the Allens, the page has brought more negative attention than actual donations. It's raised less than $200 so far, while leading Slate to call the family "irritating" and oblivious.
“We are tired of hearing about people like the Allens insisting they’ve got something really fabulous going on," adds the post at Treehugger. "Good for them.” (This disabled young woman wants her unconventional parents to be prosecuted.)
This article originally appeared on Newser: Hippie Parents Want Your Money to Fund Hippie Parenting
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