High school arranges dance proposal for teens with cerebral palsy

(Fox 5 Atlanta)

(Fox 5 Atlanta)

(Fox 5 Atlanta)

The parents of Paul Pedersen and Gabbie Shell never thought they’d see their children go to the homecoming dance, but thanks to teachers, staff and students at Mountain View High School, where Pederson and Shell attend school, that’s exactly what they’ll do.

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Fox 5 Atlanta reported that Bend, Oregon, school helped organize a homecoming dance proposal between Pedersen and Shell, who are each confined to wheelchairs and have limited speech due to the congenital muscle disorder cerebal palsy.

Different from their classmates, Pederson and Shell light up when they see each other, the news station reported.

(Fox 5 Atlanta)

News10.com reported that Pedersen had a sign and flowers for Shell. She said, “Yes.”

“It’s a dream come true,” said Pedersen, according to news10.com.

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