Some hospitals have reactivated mask mandates in response to a rise in COVID-19 cases and influenza respiratory infections, although the current increase is minimal compared to the spikes seen during the pandemic. (iStock)
BACK TO MASKING – Some hospitals in New York and several other states have reinstated mask mandates. Here's what doctors have to say. Continue reading…
FLU-FIGHTING FOODS – A registered dietitian shares 10 immune-boosting recipes to help you stay healthy during flu season. Continue reading…
TODDLER TECH – Screen time for kids under age 2 has been linked to sensory differences in toddlerhood. See what the study revealed. Continue reading…

Screen exposure among very young children has previously been linked to autism, ADHD, language delays and more. (iStock)
EARLY DETECTION – Getting breast cancer screenings every year instead of every other year can reduce all-cause mortality, a new study suggests. Continue reading…
NOT YOUR GRANDPA'S HEARING AIDS – Designers have transformed the devices into "sexy" accessories. See the photos. Continue reading…
BEST DIETS OF 2024 – A panel of 43 health experts selected the best diets in 11 different categories. Continue reading…

To determine what qualifies as a "best diet," the panel evaluated nutritional completeness, health risks and benefits, long-term sustainability and evidence-based effectiveness. (iStock)
‘THIEF OF SIGHT’ – For National Glaucoma Month, an expert debunks 7 myths about the common eye disease. Continue reading…
‘NEVER TOO LATE’ – Seniors in New York City share their New Year’s resolutions and words of wisdom for 2024. Continue reading…
DEMENTIA DRIVERS – A major study has identified these 15 factors of young-onset dementia. Continue reading…

Early-onset dementia has been on the rise in recent years — and a major new study has identified the likely reasons. (iStock)
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