Dr. Fauci on reopening too quickly: 'The consequences could be really serious'
Dr. Fauci expresses his concerns if states skip checkpoints, ignore guidelines and open up America prematurely
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As states gradually come out of coronavirus lockdown and begin to reopen, allowing people to go back to work, it’s only natural that the transition into a post-coronavirus workplace could produce fear and anxiety for some, as COVID-19 continues to infect thousands across the country and has killed some 80,000 Americans.
“Uncertainty and unpredictability can really create an unhealthy amount of fear and stress, especially when it’s sustained over such a long period of time,” said Dr. K. Luan Phan, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, in a statement provided to Fox News.
“Challenges will remain as businesses reopen, and the typical workplace will look very different following this pandemic. We’ll have to find new ways to connect with colleagues and work as a team while maintaining our distance and preventing the spread of infection,” added Phan.

"Uncertainty and unpredictability can really create an unhealthy amount of fear and stress, especially when it’s sustained over such a long period of time,” Dr. K. Luan Phan, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. (iStock)
Daily temperature checks, providing face masks, disinfecting surfaces, and keeping workers at least six feet apart are all ways to help prevent the spread of the virus, experts with the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center say, as well as making healthy lifestyle choices — such as keeping stress in check, eating healthfully, and getting enough sleep.
“Ask their employer, ask their team leader, how are they being protected? What precautions are in place? What new setups to the workplace environment have been established in order to keep themselves and their co-workers safe so that they don't get infected?” Phan added. “Handshakes, things that we usually do to show physical support for one another, will also not be allowable. So we'll have to find new ways to connect in this new work environment.”
Read on for a look at a few ways you can best prepare yourself for a post-coronavirus workplace, as offered by Phan and Bernadette Melnyk, dean of the College of Nursing and chief wellness officer at Ohio State.
Manage Stress
"Many people already have a lot of stress and anxiety during this time, and adjusting to being back in the workplace may add to those feelings. Utilizing stress-reduction apps, practicing mindfulness and self-care that calms your breathing and nerves, and making a plan for you and your family to manage the transition back to work can all go a long way to building resilience and helping you feel better about returning," the experts suggested.
Don’t let your guard down
"Just because there’s an ease on restrictions doesn’t mean the threat is gone. You still need to take precautions – wash your hands for 20 seconds while taking five big deep breaths, keep sanitizer and disinfecting wipes handy and clean surfaces often. Wear a mask and avoid shaking hands in common areas, meetings or when interacting with customers," they said.
Keep your distance
"Avoid crowding into conference rooms and keep your workspace at least six feet from your nearest co-worker. Continue holding virtual meetings and limit direct contact. Many adjustments were made to help employees work from home during the coronavirus outbreak. Health experts recommend continuing with remote work or staggering which employees are in the office when possible," Phan and Melnyk advised.
Stay fit to be well
"Make changes that help you boost your immune system and fight off illnesses. About 80 percent of chronic conditions are preventable by engaging in a few lifestyle behavior changes, such as regular physical activity, eating at least five fruits and vegetables per day, not smoking and limiting alcohol intake if you drink to one drink a day if you are a woman and two a day if you are a male," they said. "Those small changes can make a major difference in fighting the virus if you’re infected."
Look out for your co-workers’ health
"Stay home if you don’t feel well, get your flu shot and, if a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in the future, get that too. As workplaces begin to re-open, many are monitoring employee health with measures such as daily temperature checks. If your employer doesn’t take precautions you feel are needed to prevent the spread of illness, speak up so that your entire office can be and feel safer," they advised.