
Having a really good time in Sin City, but don’t like the after-effects?

For a price, one doctor’s new business venture will ‘cure’ your hangover, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported.

Hangover Heaven is a curbside service designed to treat people with hangovers by rehydrating them with IVs and giving them anti-nausea medicine.


Started by Dr. Jason Burke, a board-certified anesthesiologist who graduated from Duke University, the company offers various packages and will ‘deliver’ them to you; their fleet of has pickup areas at major Las Vegas hotels.

Burke’s website says he can have you feeling better in less than 45 minutes so you can “continue the party, or just get back to your normal self.”

All medications are FDA-approved, according to HangoverHeaven.com, and personnel use pediatric IVs and numbing medicine to make the process comfortable.

“People come to Las Vegas to blow off some steam, relieve stress and have a good time. Should we lose an entire day of our vacation because the bartender over-served us the night before?” Burke says on his website. “I say NO.”

The basic package, called Redemption, starts at $130 (introductory price $90), and includes flushing the toxins from your body.

The Salvation Package is $200 (introductory price $150) and is the business’ “most effective service,” including IV hydration, anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications.

Starting April 16, Burke will offer In-Room Treatment, where a doctor will come to your room and administer two bags of IV fluids, anti-nausea medicine, anti-inflammatories and vitamins.

This service will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In-Room Treatment starts at $500 for the first person and is $375 for each additional person.

The website’s disclaimer reads: “Our buses can work magic, but they cannot bring you back from the dead.”

Click here to read more on this story from the Las Vegas Review Journal.