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    “Good Stress” Workout

    Do this routine 2 or 3 times a day leaving one day in between or more if you need to. Appropriate rest is critical to avoid overtraining.

  • Barbell_front_lunge
    Super-set 1   Exercise 1: Barbell front lunge You can either use a rack or clean the barbell to the starting position, wrists back, barbell at your fingertips and resting on your shoulders. The key is to keep your elbows high (shoulder level) throughout the move. Perform the lunge on one side finishing your reps and switch legs and repeat on the other side.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Curl_to_shoulder_press
    Exercise 2: Curl to shoulder press First, curl the weight using your biceps. With the barbell at shoulder height, press the weight straight overhead keeping your core tight and heels on the floor.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Barbell_back_squat
    Super-set 2 Exercise 1: Barbell back squat Starting by sitting back (not down), keep your back straight (looking straight ahead), lower yourself to 90 degrees or lower. Stand back up pushing through your heels.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • walking_push_up_1
    Exercise 2: Walking push-up Perform a pushup with your feet close together. For the next one, move your feet slightly apart to “walk” the push up to one side (see next photo). Perform the pushup and then move your feet together moving towards one side to perform another push-up with your feet together. Keep your core tight at all times. Perform half of the reps moving towards one side and the other half towards the other side. When moving to each side make sure that you don’t lift your hips. Maintain form at all times.
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    Andrew Meade Photography
  • walking_push_up_2
    Andrew Meade Photography
  • Published
    5 Images

    “Good Stress” Workout

    Do this routine 2 or 3 times a day leaving one day in between or more if you need to. Appropriate rest is critical to avoid overtraining.

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  • “Good Stress” Workout
  • Barbell_front_lunge
  • Curl_to_shoulder_press
  • Barbell_back_squat
  • walking_push_up_1
  • walking_push_up_2