Good Samaritan revives man who dies after heart attack

Steve Entringer (Courtesy of KDVR)

When Denver resident Steve Entringer rode his bike to work on June 27th, the last place he thought he’d wind up was the afterworld, according to KDVR.

Denver paramedics David Dawson and Leigh Foster put it bluntly, “He was dead. Yes. Clinically dead.”

Entringer had a blocked artery. He was having a heart attack. Soon after, he was medically and clinically…deceased.

“I’ve lost all memory from that day and the day before.” Entringer said.

But, a good Samaritan named Josh Ramos, who lives right where Entringer collapsed on King Street, saw somebody who needed help.

"I go outside (and) I immediately see a gentleman with his bike on top of him in the middle of the street," Entringer said. "So I turn inside, grab my cell phone, and turn outside.”

Thanks to Ramos’ quick action and Denver paramedics’ fast response, Entringer was resuscitated. He was brought back to life.

The men were reunited Thursday at Denver Health Medical Center.

“I feel good about it but I feel like, you know, most people would do something like this,” Ramos said. 

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