Girl's message about Down syndrome inspires thousands

Sofia Sanchez is helping to spread an important message about Down syndrome. (@jvaraninisanchez)

A 7-year-old girl who was abandoned at birth and spent the first year of her life at an orphanage in Ukraine is helping spread awareness during Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Jennifer Sanchez, of California, said the family decided to adopt Sofia in 2010 after their youngest of three sons was born with Down syndrome. Since then, Sofia has become a model and a hit on Instagram, where she shares heartfelt messages about the genetic disorder.

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“Little miss, do you have Down syndrome?” Jennifer Sanchez, Sofia’s mother, asks her in one Instagram video.

“Yes I do have Down syndrome,” Sofia says in the video. “It’s something that’s in my blood— it goes down.”

“Is Down syndrome scary?” Sanchez asks.

“No, it’s not scary, it’s so exciting,” Sofia answers.

The video, which was posted a week ago, has garnered thousands of views and more than 250 comments. Her Instagram also features the family’s recent trip to Disneyland and a visit to the American Girl store, where Sofia had the chance to meet one of her social media friends in real life.

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In another video about Down syndrome awareness, Sofia answers questions from her mother and tells her followers that she can do anything, and is smart, kind and patient.

“I am capable,” she says in the video.