Girl, 7, Suffers From Rare, Blistering Skin Condition

A 7-year-old girl from the U.K. suffers from a rare genetic condition that makes her skin blister or fall off at the slightest touch, The Daily Mail reported.

Hollie Shaw, who lives in West Yorkshire, has epidermolysis bullosa, and her skin is “as delicate as a butterfly’s wings.”

Even Hollie’s esophagus is affected by this condition, and she cannot eat regular food – instead she is fed by a feeding tube.

But Hollie refuses to let her condition or her pain hold her back. She still loves to roller skate and ride horses.

According to the National Health Institutes, epidermolysis bullosa can cause minor blistering or become lethal as it affects other organs.

“The way to think of it is like the skin of a very ripe peach,” said Hollie’s mother, Leah Taylor. “If you touch or press on it, it just comes off.”

Many people with EB do not live past the age of 30.

Hollie must wear splints on her hands and feet so that the scars don’t cause fusion of her fingers and toes.

“She tries to do as much as possible in order to be like the other kids, and I don't want her to always feel like she is different,” Taylor said.

Click here to read more about Hollie and see pictures of her.

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