Formerly conjoined girl arrives home just in time for Mother's Day

Just in time for Mother's Day, one of the conjoined twin girls separated at a Houston hospital in February was discharged, while her sister is expected to be released in a few months.

The girls, Knatalye Hope and Adeline Faith Mata, were born in April 2014 at Texas Children's Hospital, in Houston, where they were successfully separated 10 months later.

The girls' family will remain in Houston until she's able to go home also.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Knatalye Hope was discharged from Texas Children's Hospital on Friday.

In February, a team of more than 26 doctors and nurses at the Texas Children’s Hospital worked for about 26 hours to separate the girls, who shared a chest wall, lungs, heart lining and other organs.

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The Mata girls were delivered via Caesarean-section in April 2014 in Texas, weighing about 3 pounds, 7 ounces each. They underwent several surgeries in preparation for last week’s final separation, the most recent last December, when custom-made tissue expanders were placed into their chest and abdomen are

Their parents, Elysse and John Mata, moved from Lubbock to Houston last year to be near Texas Children's. The couple also has an older boy.

Based on reporting by the Associated Press.

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