Foods for children with Down syndrome


In today’s three part series on diets for special needs, we will be taking a look at Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome are at a higher risk than the general population for certain health concerns.

Eating nourishing foods can help reduce some of the physical symptoms and increase overall health. Brain physiology and common health symptoms will be covered first, followed by important foods to include in their diets and which foods to avoid and why.

Down syndrome is categorized as a condition in which a baby is born with an extra chromosome. According to the CDC the extra copy of chromosome, number 21, changes the brains normal development, causing mental and physical problems.

Information in the brain is transferred between neurons (synapses). Research has suggested that in Down syndrome the structure and function of the synapses are abnormal, causing cognitive defects.  It has been hypothesized that this abnormality is caused by one or more of the genes on the extra chromosome.

Reduced brain volume and smaller volumes in frontal and temporal lobes as well as the cerebellum also affect those with Down syndrome.

The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Genetics has noted that those with Down syndrome are likely to develop certain health problems. This is thought to happen as a result of body structures not developing normally.

Children with Down syndrome are likely to be overweight and have a higher risk of obesity. They burn calories at a slower rate and are frequently diagnosed with an under-active thyroid which can contribute to weight gain.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is common among children with Down syndrome.  Symptoms include heartburn, sore throat, regurgitation and chest pain.

Gluten intolerance and celiac disease is also widespread and can lead to nutrient deficiency and an impaired immune system if dietary needs are avoided.

Finally, periodontal disease becomes prevalent in adulthood so it is important to establish habits to eat foods that will decrease its likelihood.

To keep obesity at bay, feed children nutrient dense foods and limit junk food without nutritional value. A good rule of thumb is to eat ‘real food’ found in nature, and avoid man-made ‘food’ as much as possible.

Include healthy fats such as coconut and olive oil and even organic, pastured, butter containing butyric acid and omega 3 fatty acids.

For an under-active thyroid, an excellent choice is iodine rich seaweed. Seaweed snack packs are great for lunch boxes and kids love the salty taste. It can be used in salads, sprinkled on other food or used as a wrapper for healthy snacks.

Foods rich in vitamin C may help keep periodontal disease at bay. Citrus fruits (for those not suffering from GERD), strawberries, green peppers and broccoli are great choices and make easy finger foods.

Anti-microbial foods such as garlic, onion, thyme, oregano, tarragon and cinnamon are great to use on a regular basis to help kill bacteria that lead to tartar and plaque buildup.

Trigger foods for GERD should be avoided. Common culprits are citrus fruits and foods high in sugars and fat including chips, brownies, cookies, creamy dressings, ice cream, fatty cuts of meat, fried chicken nuggets and french fries.

A food journal is a useful tool for tracking any symptoms; this will help pinpoint exactly which foods to avoid. It will also help track any correlation between gluten and symptoms of celiac disease (diarrhea, stomach aches, bloating, irritability, skin rashes and mouth sores). Carefully read all food labels since gluten can lurk in unsuspected places such as soy sauce and remember that ‘wheat free’ does not mean gluten free.

Because there is an especially high incidence of celiac disease among those with Down syndrome, I suggest avoiding the introduction of gluten containing foods until at least the age of 18-24 months when a child’s digestive system is more developed.

These guidelines will help create a great nutritional foundation. As children with Down syndrome grow and gain independence, they will have the right tools to make good choices on their own.

For older children with established eating habits, start by making small changes to their diet. Making a complete change overnight is likely to lead to resistance and fade quickly, but subtle changes over time will make it easier on the child and the rest of the family to adjust to new eating habits.

Jacqueline Banks is a certified holistic health counselor and busy mama.  Her focus is on helping other busy moms in all stages of motherhood keep themselves and their little ones healthy and happy.  She uses natural and organic solutions to solve individual health problems and promote clean living. For more information and healthy recipe ideas visit