Family of Ebola nurse complains of ill treatment in Scotland

In this Saturday, Jan. 1, 2015 file photo, Pauline Cafferkey, a nurse who contracted Ebola while working in Sierra Leone, smiles in the Royal Free Hospital in London. (Lisa Ferguson/Scotland on Sunday/PA via AP)

The family of a British nurse who has been re-admitted to hospital with Ebola complications says she received bad medical advice in Scotland when she fell ill.

Pauline Cafferkey is in London Royal Free Hospital's isolation ward after becoming ill in Scotland. She was thought to have beaten the disease and was discharged from an earlier hospitalization in January.

Her family told the Sunday Mail newspaper she went to a Glasgow hospital Monday night but was sent home even though the doctor assessing her knew of her earlier Ebola treatment.

Four days later she was flown by military plane into London for treatment in the isolation ward.

Her family said doctors had missed a big opportunity to treat her earlier.

Cafferkey was diagnosed with Ebola after returning from Sierra Leone.