Fairground ride leaves woman permanently dizzy

A spinning fairground ride left a British woman feeling permanently dizzy, reported Metro.co.uk.

Last year, Bobbie Lane, 26, rode the Superbowl ride at Reading Festival, which spins riders around while lifting them off the ground. While her friends quickly recovered, Lane’s feeling of dizziness resonated over the next few days.

“After I returned home, the dizziness stayed with me and it felt like I was permanently at sea,” Lane told Metro.co.uk. “It slowly got worse, and eventually I went to the doctor, who immediately sent me to a neuroscientist consultant.”

Lane was diagnosed with Migraine Variant Balance Disorder. The rare condition affects memory and balance, leaving her permanently feeling as though she’s intoxicated.

Because she was told to avoid all stress, Lane had to leave her job as a charity worker. She also is now following a strict diet, avoiding foods including alcohol, chocolate, dairy products, and citrus fruit.

Lane has been told that her condition is curable, though doctors have not been able to give her a recovery timeline.

“I live in hope that one day I’ll recover and then I can get my old life back,” she said.

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