Determined Georgia mom, 21, finishes college exam while in labor

Tommitrise Collins (left) pictured studying for her psychology exam. She gave birth to her daughter, Tyler (right), after 20 hours of labor. (Fox 5 Atlanta)

On Nov. 12, 21-year-old Tommitrise Collins was preparing to give birth to her new baby daughter, but the Macon, Ga., woman had another matter to attend to first: taking her college psychology exam.

Fox 5 Atlanta reported that Collins could only take the test that day, so when she went into labor, she sat, determined, on her hospital bed with her laptop open and worked to finish the exam.

"It took me four to five hours after the opening of the test to try to put the pain to the side and do it so I wouldn't have to do it later and I could enjoy my newborn," Collins told

Collins, who attends Middle Georgia State University, finished the two-hour test in about an hour and 30 minutes. A photo of Collins studying at Coliseum Medical Center that her sister  Shanell Chapman snapped and posted on Facebook has since started to go viral. As of Friday afternoon, it had been shared over 15,000 times on the social media platform.

“This is what you call ‘Strong Priorities’. Contractions 3 minutes apart and still takes her Psychology Test! You are going to be a great mom baby sis!” Chapman wrote on Facebook.

This is what you call "Strong Priorities". Contractions 3 minutes apart and still takes her Psychology Test! You are going to be a great Mom baby sis!

Posted by Shanell Brinkley-Chapman on Thursday, November 12, 2015

After nearly 20 hours of labor, Collins delivered a healthy baby girl, Tyler Elise, who weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces.

The new mom eventually retook the test because she was dissatisfied with her original score and received a B on the exam.

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Collins said her daughter helped motivate her to take the test and maintain her 3.6 GPA, reported. She plans to graduate in December 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice

“The way I look at it is, [Tyler Elise] will always have me to depend on so my goals will not be put on hold,” Collins told “I don't want to just barely make it by, I want my child to live comfortably, and I want to show people that just because I am considered a young mother doesn't mean I have to be considered a bad mother."

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