Dartmouth coach: Tackle-free practice reduces concussions

San Francisco 49ers' quarterback Steve Young lays motionless on field after suffering a concussion in the second quarter of the 49ers' game against the Arizona Cardinals Monday Sept. 27, 1999 in Tempe, Arizona. (AP Photo/Scott Troyanos)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Dartmouth football coach Buddy Teevens makes a promise to recruited players before they take the field: "In four years, you will never tackle another Dartmouth football player."

Teevens, who has coached at Dartmouth for 15 years, has eliminated all live tackling from practices, including spring and preseason. He told Congress Friday the result has been far fewer concussions, less practice time missed due to injury - and wins.

Since cutting back on tackling in 2010, Dartmouth has not had a losing record. Last year Big Green tied Harvard for the Ivy League championship. Just as important to Teevens: No defensive player suffered a concussion in 2015. And in February, the Ivy League eliminated all full-contact hitting from regular-season practices.

"I love football," Teevens said, "but I love my players more."

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