Coronavirus: How to help US doctors, patients

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The coronavirus epidemic, which has infected more than 240,000 people globally and killed more than 9,800, is beginning to take its toll on many American systems.

Bunkered down at home or not, the biggest names all over the world have been stepping up to do what they can to combat the coronavirus pandemic by making charitable donations to those in need. The world's biggest performers have either made sizable donations or have used their already existing businesses to provide relief.


For most people, COVID-19 causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. It can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, for some people, especially older adults and those with existing health problems. Most people recover — those with mild illness in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks, according to the World Health Organization.

American health systems, however, could be overwhelmed in the weeks ahead.

Here are ways to help American doctors and patients with information on charities and fundraisers:

Charity Navigator, an independent charity evaluator, provides accountability and transparency of the country’s largest charities. Its searchable database is specially designed these days, offering support to American doctors and patients regarding the coronavirus epidemic.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy has a COVID-19 Response Fund offering support to American health care works and the most vulnerable quarantined patients during the coronavirus epidemic.

The World Health Organization has a similar resource through

The CDC Foundation is a part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and now has an emergency 30-day crowdfunding campaign.


Giving Compass is looking after immediate and long-term needs regarding the coronavirus epidemic.

The American Red Cross is still urging the nation’s citizens to still give blood.

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