Maine on Thursday set a single-day record for new cases of the novel coronavirus, according to data from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

The state on Thursday reported an increase of 80 coronavirus cases, bringing the statewide total to 6,467. The increase is the highest since the deadly virus began affecting the state, surpassing a previous record set in May. At least 146 people have died, per the data, while some 483 people are hospitalized. 

Maine on Thursday set a single-day record for new cases of the novel coronavirus, according to data from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Maine on Thursday set a single-day record for new cases of the novel coronavirus, according to data from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (iStock)

Meanwhile, the positivity rate in the state has increased over the past two weeks, from 0.42% to 0.75%. 

Cases are rising in various parts of the country, as are hospitalization rates.


For instance, coronavirus-related hospitalizations in Maryland reached their highest levels since early August, according to state health data. In Iowa, coronavirus-related hospitalizations reached a record high again on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the rolling average of daily hospitalizations is at its highest in North Carolina since the coronavirus first affected the state. 


Hospitalization rates in New Jersey are also soaring, with the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients surpassing 1,000 on Tuesday for the first time since July.