Chilean girl with cystic fibrosis who asked for euthanasia on YouTube dies

FILE - In this Feb 28, 2015 file photo released by Chile's Presidential Press Office, Valentina Maureira takes a photo of herself with President Michelle Bachelet, at the Catholic University hospital in Santiago, Chile. The girl, ailing from cystic fibrosis, who made a public plea for permission to end her life has died. Her father, Fredy Maureira, confirmed that Valentina passed away on Thursday, May 13, 2015, to local Radio Bio Bio, saying the 14-year-old is finally resting in peace. (AP Photo/Chile Presidential Press Office, Ximena Navarro, File)

An ailing Chilean girl who got international attention by going on YouTube to make a public plea for permission to end her life has died of her illness.

Cystic fibrosis sufferer Valentina Maureira had asked Chilean President Michelle Bachelet to allow her to be euthanized in the YouTube video earlier this year.

Her father, Fredy Maureira, confirmed that Valentina died Thursday. He told local Radio Bio Bio that the 14-year-old is finally "resting in peace."

Bachelet visited the girl at the hospital, but the government said it could not approve her request to be euthanized. Valentina later changed her mind after meeting people who responded to her video.

Valentina's brother died of cystic fibrosis when he was 6 years old.

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