Boy with inoperable brain tumor surprised with bedroom makeover

Bryce Aswell, center, arrives at his home to see his new room with his family. (Fox News 4.)

A 7-year-old Dallas boy with an inoperable brain tumor received a dream-room makeover thanks to a nonprofit and the generosity of his community. Bryce Aswell, who loves safaris and giraffes, received a hero’s welcome Sunday while en route to see his new surprise, Fox 4 News reported. 

Before even seeing his surprise, Bryce told the news station he’s already planning to pay it forward and team up with Sunshine Spaces to help paint somebody else’s room. The Aswell family was put in a hotel for the weekend on the nonprofit’s dime, and a motorcycle escort saw them home. Hundreds of people from the community and Star Wars Stormtroopers were waiting to welcome them.

When the family walked through their front door, Bryce saw his safari dreams come true as his room was completely redone in an African theme. A toy giraffe wore his “Beads of Courage” necklace, which represents each treatment and hospital stay he’s had during the course of his illness. 

“He’s my baby. I just want to protect him and give him the world,” Amanda Aswell, Bryce’s mother, told Fox 4 News.  

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Bryce’s room wasn’t the only one given a new look, as sister Hailey, 10, was given an updated look and brother Brandon, 6, walked into his new Star Wars-themed room.

When something happens to one child, “it doesn’t affect the just the child and the parents, it affects the entire family,” Bradley Aswell, Bryce’s father, told Fox 4 News. 

Erica Jones, founder of Sunshine Spaces, said the goal of the program is not only to give the family some joy during their difficult time, but to also create a place where the neighborhood kids want to hang out so the children don’t feel like their missing out.

“They went above and beyond,” Amanda told Fox 4 News. “This is amazing.”

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