A 5-year-old boy somehow escaped a severe brain injury after a water pump explosion caused a metal bolt to pierce his skull, missing his brain by just millimeters. Chhabila Jumar, of Kathariya, India, was reportedly playing in a field near the broken pump while it was being repaired, according to SWNS.

At some point, the pump’s fan belt snapped and sent fragments flying through the air, including the bolt that struck the boy in the head.

The boy had been playing in a field while repairmen worked on a broken water pump. 

The boy had been playing in a field while repairmen worked on a broken water pump.  (SWNS)

“He was fortunate that a 20mm washer attached to the bolt prevented it from going deeper, which could have damaged his cerebral structure,” Dr. Chandra Suvash, an orthopedic surgeon at the local hospital that treated Chhabila, told SWNS.


Suvash said a CT scan showed the bolt had missed the boy’s brain by millimeters, and that it took 90 minutes to remove it from his head.

Dr. Chandra, pictured with Chhabila, said a CT scan revealed the bolt stopped just millimeters from the boy's brain. 

Dr. Chandra, pictured with Chhabila, said a CT scan revealed the bolt stopped just millimeters from the boy's brain.  (SWNS)

“He is now out of danger and is recuperating well. He is being kept under observation for a few days,” Suvash told SWNS.