#BeccaToldMeTo: Teen with terminal cancer inspires random acts of kindness


A girl whose cancer has become terminal is inspiring random acts of kindness across the world to make her final days the best they can be.

Rebecca Schofield, of New Brunswick, Canada, began her cancer battle about two years ago, but did a callout online in December to ask others to help her complete her bucket list. Schofield, 17, urged them to do so by using the hashtag #BeccaToldMeTo.

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“I want them to take the focus away from all the bad things that happen in this world, and I want them to realize that this life is a gift and you have to cherish every moment that you get,” Schofield told CTV News.

During the campaign— which has reached 2 million people thus far— participants have shared their random acts, which include giving away linens, buying coffee for coworkers or strangers, or donating money to charity.

On GoFundMe, Schofield’s friends and family have posted updates on her condition, and they’re raising money for the teen.  As of Thursday afternoon, more than 550 people had raised over $34,000 of the $50,000 goal in 23 months. The family has not disclosed the type or stage of Schofield’s cancer.

“I’ve always thought I had a pretty cool kid,” Schofield’s mother, Anne Schofield, told CTV. “Now I get to share her with everybody. I think it’s heartwarming to see that the people’s kindness is coming out.”

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