
A University of Texas study proves that good-looking people are happier than plain-looking or unattractive people, MyFoxAustin reported.

The study, titled “Beauty is the Promise of Happiness?,” detailed measurements from economists in four countries – the U.S., Canada, Germany and the U.K. It showed that attractive people are happier because they make more money and have more successful husbands or wives. The study also proved that attractive people have higher-earning spouses.

Social scientists conducted five surveys in those countries, asking more than 25,000 participants how happy they felt. The interviewer rated the participants’ attractiveness.

Overall, researchers believe the top 15 percent of ‘beautiful people’ are more than 10 percent happier than the people ranked in the bottom 10 percent of looks.

“Personal beauty raises happiness,” said the study’s author, Daniel Hamermesh. “The majority of beauty’s effect on happiness works through its impact on economic outcomes.”

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