Baby born without eyes despite mom's normal pregnancy

Pic shows: the child without eyes - Xiao Ming; Parents who recently welcomed the birth of a baby boy were shocked to find that their child has no eyes. Liu Peihua, the young mum from Guangzhou City’s Zengcheng District, in South China’s Guangdong Province, said she had been pregnant for 10 months without issue. And when her son, who has now been nicknamed Xiao Ming, was born one week ago, doctors did not immediately notice that he had no eyes. Liu said her child cried loudly and moved his limbs freely after birth, but doctors and her family only found later that the boy seemed to always keep his eyes shut. A closer inspection led to the shocking discovery that Xiao Ming’s eyes were in fact not simply closed, but that he had no eyes altogether. Experts have diagnosed Xiao Ming with the rare medical condition anophthalmia, which is the absence of one or both eyes and which is caused by missing ocular tissue. Liu and her family said the birth abnormality comes as a complete surprise – and a huge blow – as the mum experienced no issues during her pregnancy and the condition was also missed by frequent ultrasounds. But doctors said anophthalmia is hard to pick up in scans, even if done at regular intervals during the child’s development inside the womb. Xiao Ming’s family has now booked a full-body check-up for him at the local Sanjia Hospital to see whether he is suffering from any other birth defects. Liu has promised to stay strong for her child and is now seeking assistance and advice from the public to help her raise her blind son. (AWR)

A family in China was shocked to discover their newborn son has no eyes.

The boy, nicknamed Xiao Ming, was born a week ago, but doctors didn’t immediately realize he had no eyes, Asia Wire Report (AWR) reported.

His mother, Liu Peihua, from Guangzhou City in Guangdong Province, said her son cried loudly and moved his limbs after birth, but closer inspection made doctors realize his eyes weren’t just closed.

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The boy was diagnosed with anophthalmia, a rare medical condition characterized by the absence of one or both eyes. It is caused by missing ocular tissue and is hard to pick up in prenatal scans, AWR reported.

Liu didn’t have any issues during her pregnancy.

Xiao Ming will undergo a full-body check-up to see whether he has any other birth defects. Liu is seeking advice and assistance from the public to help her raise her blind son.

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