
The idea of meditation can be intimidating for beginners.  You know it’s good for you, but you just can’t get into it. Now, there’s a program that aims to make meditating easier— and it’s accessible right at your fingertips.

The app 10 Percent Happier: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics is based on Dan Harris’s best-selling book. The newsman was a nonbeliever at first, but now he practices meditation daily to focus, minimize stress and be happier.

Harris paired up with mindfulness scholar Joseph Goldstein and Change Collective,  which offers lifestyle courses and coaching, to create the app, a 12-week course to incorporate mediation into your daily life.

Each day, users get a video lesson and guided audio meditation. Plus, a coach will contact you to answer any questions via text message, giving the app a personalized touch.

The 10 Percent Happier app costs $19.99.

For more information, visit ChangeCollective.com.