5 ways to reduce work-related stress and avoid burnout

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Feeling frazzled and sleepless in the city that never sleeps? You’re not alone. According to a new study reported on BMJ Journals’ website, 97 percent of participants reported nonrestorative sleep and 23 percent indicated high levels of job strain.

Researchers concluded that burnout soars when poor sleep mixes with insurmountable stress, so here are several ways to kick it to the curb in an effort to feel rejuvenated and relaxed, instead of harried and downright exhausted.

1. Learn to say 'no' (even to your boss)
Laura Stack, productivity speaker and author of “The Exhaustion Cure: Up Your Energy From Low to Go in 21 Days,” recommends figuring out what you have time to accomplish, and then tactfully push back.

“When your boss is overloading you, say, ‘I’ll be glad to handle that for you. However, I can’t get to it until I finish the XYZ project. That will be . . .’ ”

Or ask about the priorities for each deliverable and negotiate deadlines. “That’s a reasonable way to call the existing workload to your boss’ attention,” Stack says.

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2. Provide alternative solutions
If it’s difficult saying “no,” offer some options. Stack recommends stating, “I can’t meet today because I’m leaving at noon, but I can meet with you tomorrow or the next day. Which is best for you?”

This is particularly effective, she points out, because it diffuses a confrontation over pushing back and opens the door for a discussion about which “yes” solution works best for the other person.

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