
Today, we are posting a list of five of the top Hispanic health resources, brought to you by the online magazine, Sofrito For Your Soul. Other than this site, which I’m sure gives you all the Latino healthy news you need, the blogger posted five sites that give you the latest on the Hispanic salud.

1. Salud Today – Has an online forum to stimulate “an ongoing discussion among Latino families, community leaders, health researchers and all others who are interested in improving the health of Latinos across the U.S.”

2. Hispanic Latino Health – provides health information “with a focus on the Hispanic/Latino community in the United States.”

3. Por Tu Familia – The American Diabetes Association’s provides prevention tips on diabetes. “Your family needs you to be healthy and feelings your best, so that you can be there for them.”

4. Latino Nutrition Coalition – Tries to change the way people eat through “practical and positive programs grounded in science, traditions and delicious foods and drinks.”

5. Go Red Por Tu Corazon – Their mission is to “build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.”

Click to see the original post on Sofrito For Your Soul.

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