3 Sets of Twins Born in Different Years

Three sets of twins were born in different years over New Year's weekend.

In Buffalo, N.Y., little Ronan Rosputni was born in the waning moments of 2011, and his twin brother Rory was born 33 minutes later in 2012.

Ronan was the last baby born in 2011 at Women & Children's Hospital in Buffalo, at 11:37 p.m. Saturday. Rory arrived at 12:10 a.m. Sunday.

The Buffalo News reports that the boys appear to be fraternal, not identical, twins: Ronan has auburn hair like his mother, Brighid, while Rory has darker hair like his father, Thomas.

Brighid Rosputni said family members already have proposed one birthday party for the twins on the same day in the same year.

In Minnesota, Beckett Humenny was born at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis at 6:40 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, and later in 2012, his twin sister Freya was born, the Star Tribune reported.

Beckett weighed in at four pounds, 11 ounces; Freya weighed two pounds, five ounces.

Nurses threw confetti to celebrate Freya’s New Year’s Day birth. “It was a party when she came out,“ mother Stephanie Peterson said of her younger twin.

She joked that Beckett will likely tease his sister about being a year younger.

“I’m excited that they will have two birthdays,“ she said.

The twins were born at 34 weeks and will spend a week in the hospital’s newborn intensive care unit, according to the Star Tribune.

Hospital staff said they were unable to recall another incidence of twins being born on both sides of a new year.

In Tampa, Fla., Blake and Jocelyn Bear gave birth to Jenna in 2011, and twin sister Leah in 2012, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

NewsCore and the Associated Press contributed to this article. 

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