
One person has died and another sickened after contracting a rare illness while vacationing at Yosemite National Park, Fox40 News.

The two people, who have only been identified as living in California, were diagnosed with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.

The virus is spread by rodents, and according to the California Department of Public Health, the patients were exposed to infected mice droppings while camping at Curry Village in Yosemite.

Health officials and Yosemite Rangers routinely check for rodents, and test the deer mouse population for viruses. Not all deer mice carry the hantavirus. After this recent hantavirus diagnoses, Yosemite is increasing their rodent prevention measures.

Overall, about one third of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome cases in California end in death; there have been four cases this year in the state. The virus was first identified in 1993.

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