Scholarships for high school sharpshooters

The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) has announced it will again award exemplary student-athletes in the 2017-2018 school year for their future endeavors through its annual scholarship program.

According to this post from, the CMP offers $1,000 one-year scholarships based on both merit and rifle or pistol marksmanship participation to current high school seniors.

The story says last year the CMP again received a record-setting number of applications and awarded over $150,000 in scholarship money with the winners coming from a mix of JROTC schools, 4-H clubs, and other shooting clubs.

How-To: Shooting a moving target

If you or someone you know is interested and would qualify to receive a scholarship for post-secondary education or vocational programs for the 2017-2018 school year, here’s what you have to do to be considered:

  • Applicants must turn in a list of past and present rifle or pistol competition history, awards, involvements and future expectations for the sport.
  • Proof of participation must be included such as match bulletins, photos or CMP Competition Tracker printouts.
  • Provide academic information such as GPA (must be 3.0 or above), test scores, and a list of extracurricular activities.
  • Provide an official transcript along with a letter explaining why the applicant is applying and what future plans the money will fund.
  • A nomination/recommendation letter from a coach or instructor is also required.

And they’re serious about the requirements, so send everything complete, or the CMP will not consider the application. The deadline for submissions in March 20, 2017.

How-To: Shooting with a flashlight

The CMP is a federally chartered non-profit corporation that is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for U.S. citizens. If you want to learn more about the CMP, what it offers, or how to get involved, go here.