Worst food tattoos ever

Tattoos are beautiful, personalized works of art to be admired and worn with pride. In a perfect world, the tattoo artist and his or her blank canvas share the same vision: to merge skin and ink, body and design in an artful manner. However, there are times when this mission goes awry, typically yielding some pretty hilarious and cringe—worthy results.  Whether the idea itself is off, or the execution is downright god awful, there's no denying that having a bad tattoo is embarrassing for everyone involved.

Body art dates back several centuries in many cultures and hundreds of tattoo trends have come and gone over time. That includes one particularly appetizing category: the food tattoo.

Hardcore food-lovers will rock anything from a roll of sushi to a greasy, cheese covered burger. And in many cases, these inky morsels prove to be truly magnificent works of art. It is now customary for many famous chefs to adorn their skin with odes to their life's work. Take Stephanie Izard of Chicago's acclaimed Girl and the Goat who has one tattoo of a fish on her wrist, one of a pea tendril climbing her leg, and a large back piece featuring a budding basil plant circled by flying pigs.

However, some inked food lovers end up being the victims of dreadful culinary catastrophes. For instance, take the gentleman who took the road of melding bathroom humor with dessert. What, you've never seen a cupcake on a toilet before? Neither have we, and we hope this is the last.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but we're pretty sure if you have a flaming jellybean gracing your lower back, you're making it onto this list. Click through the slideshow for some more horrifying food tattoos gone wrong.

1. McDonald’s

We wonder which fast food chain this guy prefers? The McDonald's gang's all here on this massive, colorful chest piece. Someone get this guy a Happy Meal, STAT!

2. Breakfast on Head

Who needs breakfast in bed, when you can get breakfast on head? Yes, this guy loves his bacon and eggs so much he decided to get the whole diner special permanently memorialized on his bald dome. If you ask us, this is a dish best left on the plate, and off your noggin.

3. Branded Beauty

This may not be the kind of advertising campaign Popeye's Chicken had in mind. Instead of inducing a fried chicken craving, the sight of this ink reminds us all of the not-so-cute consequences of fast food indulgence.

4. Butchered Tattoo

Our beef with this pork-themed tat is not so much the image, but the placement of said image. The lower back (or "tramp stamp" region) is generally an unsavory locale for a tattoo, especially if it depicts a pig prior to slaughter. That just ain't right.

5. Chicken-Angel Wings

This food enthusiast's take on traditional angel wings involves a little less feather, and a little more buffalo sauce. It seems like a quaint idea in theory, but on paper (and skin) it takes on a certain unappealing flavor.

6. Ambiguous Pizza

Pizza and beer are an undeniably satisfying culinary combination. This particular tattoo however, is far from satisfying. At first glance, the pizza slices look more like chicken fingers doused in honey mustard than slices of a tasty pie. Labeling one can "beer" and the other "pizza" is also an interesting artistic choice. Maybe it's just to clarify that those dripping, ambiguous triangles are, in fact, pieces of pizza.

See more terrible food tattoos at The Daily Meal

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