Woman eats only Starbucks food for a whole year

Beautiful Existence achieved her goal of eating only Starbucks food for one year. (Beautiful Existence)

Keeping those pesky New Year’s resolutions isn’t always easy.  But one Seattle woman who challenged herself to eat nothing but Starbucks food for an entire year just  achieved her goal.

Beautiful Existence (yes, that is her legal name) ate Starbucks for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 365 days.

"I DID IT!" Existence, 40, wrote on her blog on New Year's day.

Over the course of a year, she spent approximately $500-$600 a month on pre-packaged salads, pastries, wraps and a variety of coffee drinks –all from Starbucks.

Her self-imposed rules limited her food choices to items sold at Starbucks or from Starbucks-owned brands, such as Tazo Tea and Evolution Fresh.

Existence blogged about her experiences, taking pictures along the way while keeping track of her spending.

"In the last month, in the last couple weeks, it's been really difficult. People had pizza at the office last week and I was dying," she told the New York Daily News. "I'm happy to be able to eat whatever I want (again)."

While it was only Starbucks for her, the mother of two still shopped and cooked regular meals for her kids.

So why did she do this?

"I am fearless and wanted to explore new things in my life," she told the Daily Mail. "I love to test the water and each time I challenge myself, I learn a lot."

For 2014, Existence, an employee of recreational equipment company REI, already has next challenged herself lined up.  Her resolution is to learn every recreational sport there is.  There are 80, in case you're wondering.

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