Whole Foods criticized for selling peeled oranges in plastic containers

Should people be making such a big fuss over a little fruit?

Whole Foods is being charged of promoting lazy consumers by selling unpeeled oranges in not-so-environmentally friendly packaging.

Two days ago, an image appeared on Imgur the showcasing peeled oranges sitting individual plastic containers at a Whole Foods location in California, accompanied by the caption, “Are people really that lazy nowadays?”

On Thursday morning, Nathalie Gordon retweeted the image, sarcastically noting, “If only nature would find a way to cover these oranges so we didn't need to waste so much plastic on them.” Her post has been retweeted and liked over 60,000 times.

According to Eater, the oranges, or Sumo tangerines, were on sale for $5.99 per pound and came packed with a label proclaiming “Made right here."

A few incensed Twitter users were shocked that a brand like Whole Foods which encourages customers to bring their own shopping bags and be mindful of environmental waste, would promote such a product.

Recognizing that some were upset by the image, Whole Foods issued an apology for the peeled oranges and said they will leave them in their “natural packaging.”

A spokeswoman from the grocery chain  told The Huffington Post that "a lot of our customers love the convenience of our cut produce offerings, but this was a simple case where a handful of stores experimented with a seasonal product spotlight that wasn't fully thought through. We're glad some customers pointed it out so we could take a closer look."

But now some people are pointing out that the pre-peeled fruit may actually be a good idea. On Twitter, users noted that the item could be convenient for people unable to peel an orange due to handicap or various medical conditions.

Are these peeled oranges wasteful or handy? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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