What's the one food Guy Fieri will never eat?

Guy Fieri is one of the biggest names on food television these, days, largely due to the continued overwhelming success of his long-running show "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" on Food Network. On the show, he travels across the country, hanging out with chefs in their restaurant kitchens and watching as they prepare some of their restaurants’ signature dishes and chowing down on them once they’re cooked.

The guy will try just about everything that’s put in front of him, whether it’s a pig ear sandwich or liver and onions (he’s reported to not like organ meats, but he’ll give them a taste), but if you watch carefully you’ll notice that there’s one food that he pushes to the side every time he sees it: Eggs.

Fieri has no problem with foods that have eggs incorporated into the recipe, like muffins, but if he’s served a dish that has cooked eggs on it, like scrambled eggs with biscuits and gravy or a sunny side up egg on a burger, he’ll make sure it doesn’t go anywhere near his mouth. Watch closely the next time someone tries to serve him eggs, and you’ll see for yourself.

Check out more little known facts about the "DDD" host:

1. An entrepreneur since grade school.

(AP File Photo)

He’s always had a bit of an entrepreneurial bug: when Fieri was in fifth grade, he convinced the organizers of the Humboldt County Fair to allow him to sell balloons! Over the next six years he earned enough money to spend a year in France, by running a pretzel cart.

2. Moved to France at 16.


When Fieri was 16, he moved to Chantilly, France, for a year abroad, and was miserable for most of the time. He was given a tiny room to live in (the bathroom was two flights downstairs), and he couldn’t even use the phone without permission, because it was locked away.

3. His favorite French food?


For Fieri, his "a ha" moment, the one that cemented his love for food (comparable to Julia Child’s famous sole meuniere experience), came during a meal of steak frites at a tiny restaurant in the South of France.

4. Louise’s Trattoria


After graduating from UNLV, he got a job at a California Italian chain called Louise’s Trattoria. Never one to be hemmed in, he added tortilla soup to the menu in order to provide some variety to the business lunchers who wanted some variety. He was almost fired for it!

5. Bam! Inspired by the legendery Emeril.

(AP File Photo)

Seeing Emeril Lagasse on an episode of Good Morning America was another "a ha" moment. As he watched Lagasse strut his stuff and keep the audience in the palm of his hand, Fieri was blown away by how cool Lagasse was, and it served as a major inspiration for him.

Read on for more fun Fieri facts.

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