Jelly Belly man's hot new line
Jelly Belly creator comes out with hot versions of his popular jelly bellys.
The jelly bean is getting a makeover.
That morsel of sugary goodness with kiddie flavors like grape, strawberry, root beer and beyond has taken a more sophisticated turn.
Introducing David’s Signature Beyond Gourmet Jelly Beans, named after creator David Klein --who by the way, was the brainchild behind Jelly Belly. No longer with The Jelly Belly Candy Company, he's been busy creating candies that appeal to more grown up palates.
Exotic flavors like Thai Curry, Himalayan Sea Salt, Ginger and Bacon mimic the more savory side of food. And for those who can handle the heat, there's a spicy line --with flavors like wasabi, chipotle, and jalapeno --that hurt so good.
The company says the beans are made from ingredients from around the world, using only 100 percent natural flavors and colors. The beans don't come cheap. A 16 tray sampler will set you back about $17 dollars or if you buy by the pound, you'll shell out about $16.
We tried the hottest of the line Habanero, which we were told is like eating a spoonful of Tabasco.
It was hotter than my palate could handle, and I'm from Texas! I think I'll just stick to Himalayan Sea Salt.