
A vegan man tried to shame a vegan woman online for buying a child a dairy ice cream cone, only to have it backfire.

Popular UK-based vegan blogger itsallzara tweeted that she bought an ice cream for a little girl who was crying because she did not have enough money to buy one herself.


Twitter user 7AnthonyDagher7, identified as Anthony Dagher on his page, saw the tweet and felt the need to reach out to the woman and shame her for her actions.

“I am just sending this to ask if the ice cream van was selling vegan ice cream, which would be surprising,” Dagher started in his direct message, before suggesting “if the ice cream was the typical kind, which I generally assume is the case, it definitely would have been best to help the girl in some other way.”

Itsallzara responded, “Mate, I’m vegan, my mums vegan and my boyfriend is vegan I’m not about to push the message onto a crying child.”

While that could have been the end of the exchange, Dagher instead took pictures of the messages, along with images of the woman’s social media pages, and posted them on his Twitter and Reddit looking for support.

“I usually do not do this, but I feel like this is appropriate to post since this person is claiming to be a vegan even though she admitted to buying non-vegan ice cream for someone else, defended what she did when I spoke with her privately (hoping that would make her less likely to be defensive, though I should not have had to worry about that) about it even though I was respectful, and blocked me rather than admitting I was right and that she should not have bought the non-vegan ice cream for that child,” he ranted on Twitter.

“To my vegan followers, I know at least those of you who she is following should be able to send her a private message here. Just in case that is not possible, one of my screenshots shows her Instagram account. I do not want her to be attacked. I just want her to see she was wrong, which I hope enough vegans talking with her will accomplish. Please let me know if that happens,” he wrote in multiple posts on Twitter.

However, Dagher was met with hostility even in the vegan community.

There were some that defended Dagher’s extreme actions.

But Zara doesn’t seem fazed by the event.


“I am an active member of the vegan community who assumed I was doing a good deed yesterday buying a child an ice cream when Anthony (the poster of the main post that’s gotten attention today) decided to message me being quite patronizing,” she said to Yahoo Lifestyle.

“At the time I was in A&E in Hull getting a dislocated knee seen to so I was in no mood for it and I blocked him. I then woke up this morning to his attempt to publicly shame me and I’ve obviously gathered a lot of support from people which has led to all this!” she concluded.