Toddler steals popcorn from Prince Harry in viral video

This is a Monday, Dec. 19, 2016 file photo of Britain's Prince Harry listens to a seminar for members of staff during a visit to the Mix in London. (AP)

Prince Harry was at the Invictus Games volleyball match in Toronto when a sticky-fingered toddler snagged herself some royal popcorn. Once the prince caught on to the snack nabber, a 2-year-old named Emily, he laughed and teased her a bit, ultimately allowing her to share the popcorn with him.

According to CBS News, Emily’s father is Royal Engineer David Henson, who lost both of his legs during battle in Afghanistan. Henson is a Paralympian participating in the annual Invictus Games — which Prince Harry created in 2014 for wounded veterans.

As of Thursday afternoon, a video of Emily and Prince Harry was trending on Twitter Moments with 8,400 likes on one account and thousands more on a few others.

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Viewers can’t contain their amusement. “Omg! This kid is pretty b-----y stealing from royalty,” wrote @AlyssaJAshton.

@AnnieClaireBO commented, “This is hilarious! You snooze, you lose! #kidsarethebest”

@knowhowhat noted, “To us, it’s Prince Harry. To her, popcorn guy.”

And @mrsburtmacklin wrote, “Emily is going places.”

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