This state has the most McDonald's in the country

A worker at a McDonald’s in North Little Rock, Arkansas [not pictured here], was fired after they allegedly threw hot grease on a customer’s face on Sunday, August 19, 2018. (iStock)

It’s the state where more than half of America’s fruits, vegetables, and nuts are grown—as well as most McDonald’s restaurants in the United States. We’ll give you another hint: it’s on the west coast.

Based on data from the fast food chain’s website, 24/7 Wall St. calculated that California has the highest number of McDonald’s in the country, with 1,295 restaurants. By comparison, North Dakota ranks as the state with the fewest number of golden arches, with just 25 in the whole state.

Interestingly, though, because of the population differences between the states, both California and North Dakota have an equal concentration of McDonald’s: 3.3 restaurants per 100,000 people. And their concentration is lower than the national average. There are nearly 14,000 McDonald’s around the country, which averages out to about 4.28 restaurants for every 100,000 Americans nationwide. Don’t miss these 75 mind-blowing facts about McDonald’s.

Despite California’s health-conscious reputation, it makes sense that the state has the highest number of McDonald’s. With about 39 million people, the Golden State is the most populous state in America. California also ranks third in area, after Alaska and Texas. Here are 17 things McDonald’s employees won’t tell you.

And though Californians have lots of places to buy Big Macs, McDonald’s does offer some healthier options and Californians still perform well on some key health indicators compared to residents of other states, according to 24/7 Wall St.  Next, here are the healthiest things to order at McDonald’s.

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