This fruit tastes like bubblegum

Bubblegum and berries together at last. (iStock)

It looks like all of our Willy Wonka fantasies have finally come true.

Meet the fragaria Moschata, a small strawberry looking fruit that actually tastes just like bubblegum.

The fruit which was popular during the 19th century is having a modern day revival in the U.K., according to the Daily Mail.

Known informally as “bubbleberries,” fragaria moschata is also known as the musk strawberry and is said to be the most fragrant berry.

“This is one of the most aromatic berries we have ever sold at Waitrose,” the U.K.-based supermarket berry buyer Nikki Baggott told the Daily Mail. “The bubbleberry has an incredibly strong perfume which will take you straight back to your childhood. We hope our customers will enjoy experimenting with this surprising flavor.”

The fruit was even featured prominently in the Jane Austen novel Emma. Today the fruit is difficult to breed, with a smaller yield, and over the years it was replaced by larger, more resistant strawberry varieties, according to the Mail.

The revival of the "bubbleberry" could be the sign of a new fruit trend just over the horizon.

The unique tasting fruit will be on sale at Waitrose, a British luxury market chain similar to Dean & Deluca, for five weeks. At nearly $8.50 for 100 grams (less than a third of a pint) these little taste sensations don’t come cheap.

Waitrose recommends serving the berry any number of ways – an ice cream topping, folded through mashmallows or just eaten alone.

Our taste buds are definitely tingling.

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