Things you didn’t know about Martha Stewart

TV personality Martha Stewart. (Reuters)

Entertainment enthusiasts, everyday cooks, and gourmet gurus across the globe, at one point or another have copped the style of one lifestyle expert - Martha Stewart. Her lengthy career has inspired millions to cook, bake, craft and host. Stewart has created her own empire and her influence shows no sign of stopping. The woman is an undeniable living legend.

Stewart's first foray into the food world occurred in the '70s when she began her own catering company. Her self-taught cooking skills were the product of poring over Julia Child cookbooks about French cuisine. Over the years, Stewart became an author herself, penning over 70 books on craft creation, lifestyle tips, and cooking technique.

While Martha Stewart's brand is synonymous with good taste and simple style, there are a few little-known tidbits about her that might surprise you. For instance, she is just like the rest of us and can't resist eating from an open refrigerator. You can catch the gourmet queen drinking buttermilk straight from the carton. She also adores liverwurst, pickles, and hot dogs - who knew?

Stewart's career has at times been fraught with controversy. In the early 2000s, she was embroiled in an insider trading scandal that landed her in prison. This snafu did not however, destroy the business mogul's culinary empire. So while other struggles may come and go, Stewart remains the domestic goddess of our time.

Here are some interesting facts about her you may not know:

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Baseball Babysitting
Back when she was known as Martha Helen Kostyra, Stewart babysat the children of baseball greats Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, and Gil McDougald. Even at the ripe age of ten Stewart had some pretty impressive connections. To this day she is a staunch Yankees fan.

She’s a Gangsta’
Believe it or not, the culinary aficionado is a big fan of rap music. She often listened to it on the set of The Martha Stewart Show. Her favorite hip-hop artist is Eminem.

Sleepless in Stewar-ville
Holding the title of America's greatest cook/baker/host is no easy task. It's no wonder the woman can't get enough shut eye! Stewart reputedly has a hard time getting a full nights' sleep and can often be found indulging in late night television shows.

She’s Got an Epic Nickname
Stewart (or M. Diddy as she was known in prison) encountered a bit of legal trouble in 2002 when she was indicted on charges of insider trading. She served five months of jail time in 2004 and was sentenced to strict home confinement immediately following her stay in prison. During her time in the white-collar facility her net worth more than tripled, bringing her total net worth to over $1 billion.

Model Material
Before Martha Stewart was known for her culinary pursuits, she held a number of interesting positions. As a teenager, Stewart earned a paycheck modeling and appeared in several magazine ads and television commercials, including one for Tareyton's cigarettes. She later made a name for herself as a stockbroker with the small firm Monness, Williams and Sidel. She reportedly used her looks to her advantage in board meetings by occasionally showing up in hot pants.

See more interesting facts from The Daily Meal.

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