Did Queen Elizabeth really find a slug in her salad?
A new book reveals that Queen Elizabeth found a slug in her dinner salad, and wrote the chef a very pointed note.
If there’s one thing you probably want to avoid as a member of the Royal household staff it’s getting on Queen Elizabeth’s bad side. Especially, if you’re her personal chef.
In the new book, "Dinner at Buckingham Palace," written by former royal servant Charles Oliver, he reveals that the queen was royally peeved when she bit into her dinner salad only to find a slug in her greens.
(Honestly, can you blame her for being mad?)
According to Oliver, the queen and Prince Philip regularly eat their meals with notepads so they can send their suggestions back to the kitchen. This time, however, it was less of a suggestion and more of a threat.
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"Once, on a torn-off top sheet the footmen found the dead body of a slug," Charles wrote, adding that Queen Elizabeth wrote a small note next to the little body that read, "I found this in the salad—could you eat it?"
Talk about a royal burn.
"Mostly, the book remains blank, as the Queen is not fussy about food,” Charles added about the tiny dinner side notebook. “However, when she has a guest to an informal lunch and they reveal definite likes and dislikes—such as an objection to fried potatoes or Brussels sprouts—the queen will make a discreet note for future reference. This is duly recorded by the kitchen and remembered, should the guest come again."
According to Charles, the queen isn’t the only one who likes to leave notes for her staff.
"If Prince Philip especially likes a wine, or his wife is particularly complimentary, he will write on the bottle label 'Good' or 'Very Good' so that the Yeoman of the Wine Cellars will know to serve it again," the book explained.
Though Philip’s methods seem a bit less passive aggressive than the Queen’s note we kind of hope that chef framed the threat. But hopefully not the slug.