The healthiest and unhealthiest breakfast foods

We’ve all been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day — and there is a lot of truth to that. It’s the first meal of the day and the one that fuels us for the rest.

Eating breakfast gives us the energy and nutrition we need to function at the top of our game — and it’s important to start with a healthy one.

There are several unhealthy choices for breakfast that many of us are guilty of making each day. When you’re running out the door and eating on-the-go, it’s sometimes hard to eat a healthy meal. But quick meals can also be healthy and just as easy to prepare.

Try swapping out sugary cereals for ones that are high in fiber and low in sugar with a splash of low-fat milk. Trade out the heavy cream cheese spread for some nut butter instead and get a jump start on your daily dose of protein.

There are several more unhealthy breakfast food choices that you can easily substitute with healthier options. Take a look at some of our picks for best and worst breakfast foods and start your day off right with some healthy choices.

1. Unhealthy: Doughnuts and pastries


Fabulous with a cup of coffee, doughnuts and pastries are far better as a special treat rather than a breakfast. They are full of sugar, calories, and fat, which can hardly sustain you until lunchtime. Eating a breakfast high in sugar can cause a rise in blood sugar eventually leading to obesity and diabetes.

2. Healthier: Whole-grain breads


Whole grains offer more nutrients and fiber than refined white bread. Try a whole-wheat English muffin toasted with nut butter.

3. Unhealthy: Store-bought granola


Check the label on your favorite store-bough granola brand and chances are, it’s high in sugar and fat. Try to buy organic and natural brands low in sugar or make your own at home.

4. Healthier: Oatmeal


Packed with fiber, which helps lower cholesterol land regulate blood-sugar levels, oatmeal is a perfect start to the day. Avoid those sugary instant packets and opt to make your own on the stove with low-fat milk and a dash of salt. Stir in some peanut butter and chopped fruit for a healthy breakfast.

5. Unhealthy: Bacon, ham, and sausage


Processed meats are high in nitrates, which is linked to certain kinds of cancer. Not to mention, these kinds of meats are full of fat and calories. If you crave protein in the morning, it’s best to stick to eggs.

Find out if your favorite breakfast foods are unhealthy or healthy.

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