
Record numbers of voters are expected to turn out to the polls this Tuesday. On Sunday, one line for early voting in Cincinnati stretched over half a mile with 4,000 people waiting to cast ballots.

Now, a digital food delivery service wants to ensure Americans don’t go hungry while exercising their right to vote.

Where to score free food on Election Day

The website Pizza to the Polls allows any user to report long lines at voting locations around the country by submitting links to social media posts—Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pictures will do— showcasing any exorbitant lines. After users submit photos, the idea is that pizza will magically appear at the crowded polling place— just to ensure that people stick around and don’t leave because of the munchies.

"I came up with the idea talking with my friends and my buddy Noah Manger and I built the site and got it rolling last Sunday," Pizza to the Polls founder Scott Duncombe told FoxNews.com. "We received some seed money and a twitter account with about 4000 followers from Americans Against Insecure Billionaires with Tiny Hands PAC."

But, says the pizza-loving entrepreneur, Pizza to the Polls is a non-partisan operation.

“Americans are hungry for democracy and are turning out in record numbers to vote. But that means long lines and sometimes empty stomachs, which might discourage these brave patriots from performing their civic duty,” says the website.

“Fortunately Pizza to the Polls is here to deliver the one thing that pairs so perfectly with freedom: piping hot 'za.”

The site is currently soliciting donations to help pay for the pizzas-- visitors can donate anywhere from $10, enough to cover the cost of one pie, to any amount your heart desires.

So far, Pizza to the Polls says it’s delivered pizzas to three different polling places during early voting in the swing states of Ohio and Florida plus Illinois. They also delivered 16 pies to feed dozens of early voters in Cincinnati Sunday.

The absolute best pizzas in America

If there's any money left over after Election Day, the team says it plans to donate remaining funds toward feeding Americans in need. The team behind Pizza to the Polls is currently accepting ideas for different charities that feed the hungry.

It's too early to call the race, but free pizza is going over pretty well with voters. Says Duncombe, "The reaction [from] folks in line has been great."