An “adult-themed” restaurant has come under fire for naming one of its patties the “Weinstein burger.”

Randy’s Hardcore Hamburgers has been accused of “belittling sexual offenses” after social media users said the name refers to disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

The names of several burgers on the menu have enraged many on social media, who say they make light of sexual assault and “porn culture.”

Much of the criticism has come on the restaurant's Twitter page, where a menu containing burgers such as the “Fake Taxi” and the “Classic Hardcore” burger was posted.

The post on October 29 has since received dozens of angry comments, with many arguing the restaurant should be “shut down.”

Twitter user J T Wolfenden said, “You market yourselves as X-rated and cheeky but there is nothing cheeky about sexual abuse.

An "adult-themed" restaurant has come under fire for naming one of its patties the "Weinstein burger." Randy’s Hardcore Hamburgers has been accused of ‘belittling sexual offences’ after social media users said the name refers to disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

An "adult-themed" restaurant has come under fire for naming one of its patties the "Weinstein burger." Randy’s Hardcore Hamburgers has been accused of ‘belittling sexual offences’ after social media users said the name refers to disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. (SWNS)

“This isn't banter. It's puerile, ill-considered, and wholly unacceptable. Please sort yourselves out and change this ridiculous and offensive menu.”

Another furious social media commenter, Jaq Chell said, “You need to stop this. You're being not tongue-in-cheek, you're making light of sexual assault. Fake Taxi? Weinstein? Your burger names are not welcome in Sheffield.”

And Adrian Carter said, “You actually looked at this and thought it was a good idea? Really? What is wrong with you?”

Another, Daniella Orrego, even asked Sheffield’s Lord Mayor Magid Magid to intervene to “kick these people out of our lovely and welcoming city.”

Randy’s Hardcore Hamburgers is in the West One development in Sheffield city center and opened in October.

The restaurant bills itself as the home of “x-rated burgers, cheeky cocktails, exciting bar games and behavior that would disappoint your mother.”

Restaurant owner, Charlie Hewitt, 45, Thursday confirmed it was his decision to controversially name the patty the “Weinstein burger.”

But he was defiant when asked about plans to change the name following the online backlash, saying it would remain “for the moment.”

He said, "The intention is not offend anybody. We don't take ourselves too seriously.

"You do have to question what has happened to people's humor? There is a mob mentality at the moment.

 The names of several burgers on the menu have enraged many on social media, who say they make light of sexual assault and "porn culture."

 The names of several burgers on the menu have enraged many on social media, who say they make light of sexual assault and "porn culture." (SWNS)

"I fully appreciate it has got some people's backs up. We are not glorifying sexual predators, it's a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor."

Restaurant manager, Kishayne Wright, added, “When we were doing the menu we didn’t think people were going to be so sensitive about it.

“It is not like we are encouraging people to commit sexual acts.

“I have arranged a meeting with our marketing team tomorrow and we plan on doing a full public apology.

“Let’s go back to the drawing board and see what we can do to please people.”

Harvey Weinstein is an American former film producer Weinstein co-founded with his brother the entertainment company Miramax.

In October 2017, following sexual abuse allegations against Weinstein, he was dismissed from his company and expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

By October 31, over 80 women had made allegations against Weinstein.

The allegations sparked the "#MeToo" social media campaign and many similar sexual abuse allegations against and dismissals of powerful men around the world, now called the "Weinstein effect."

On May 25, 2018, Weinstein was arrested in New York, charged with rape and other offences, and released on bail.