Restaurant criticized for sign comparing beer and domestic violence

A Texas restaurant sparked a heaping dish of controversy this weekend for posting a sign on its marquee making fun of domestic violence.

Roots Bistro, an organic, vegetarian-friendly restaurant in Houston, put up a sign outside the restaurant Saturday that read: "Beer should be like violence: domestic."

According the the Houston Chronicle the sign had been up for only 10 minutes, yet it quickly drew criticism on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter as  passersby who took pictures of the sign and posted pictures on the Internet.

(See an image of the sign.)

One user, Amanda Nash wrote on Roots Bistro's  Facebook, "Was really disappointed when I saw this...domestic violence is not a joke."

Manager Kenneth Choate explained that the saying was taken off the Internet by an employee who had seen it on an another business’ marquee, the Chronicle reported.

"Everyone makes mistakes," said Choate. "We completely deserved the backlash, and I can't be mad at anyone but myself," he told the Houston Press.

But in another lapse of judgment, the restaurant took down the offensive sign and put up another sign that read: "Seriously, focus your energy on equal rights."

That sparked even more anger.

One used, named Allison Marek wrote: “I'm MOST upset about the second sign that made light of the damage the first sign did. Ya'll are like a little kid that has to be forced to apologize for doing something hurtful.”

By Sunday, the restaurant posted a full apology on its marquee, that read: "Sorry a million times over Houston."

Later and an unnamed general manager at Roots Bistro posted this apology on the company’s Facebook page: "As the General Manager of Roots Bistro I would like to formally apologize for our recent signage . In no way would we ever ever promote violence on any level. We work tirelessly to support the people and organizations in this city and would never want to hurt or offend anyone."

Facebook followers noted that the restaurant finally got it right. Facebook user Jennifer Guerrero wrote, "You shouldn't need to do more you guys are amazing and no matter what there will always be someone upset."

Yet, some said they will continue to protest with their wallets.

Another user wrote: “I think this is a case of crocodile tears in regards to the apology. Even my dark sense of humor doesn't find this funny. Maybe next month, they'll joke about pedophilia or rape. It's too bad-our family makes it a point to look for organic food all the time. We'll go elsewhere.”

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