Rachael Ray is sending one lucky teen to culinary school

The philanthropic chef is doing a whole lot of good (Reuters)

The “Rachael Ray Show” has launched the “Cook Your Way to Culinary School” contest, a competition for high school juniors and seniors (ages to 16 to 19) to win a $25,000 scholarship from Rachael Ray’s Yum-O! organization. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is accepting entries from now until December 4.

On RachaelRayShow.com, high schoolers with food industry dreams can upload a video of themselves preparing an original recipe dish along with an explanation for why they should win the scholarship.

Four finalists will be selected to travel to New York City to compete in food-related challenges just like on the Food Network! Not only will the winner receive a $25,000 scholarship, but they will also receive $500 worth of Ray’s cookware.

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The 3 runners-up will each receive a $5,000 scholarship along with a set of Rachael’s cookware — which we hope will include all of these college kitchen essentials.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Meal.

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