A New Mexico woman told a Sonic fast food server "this one's on God" when he asked her for payment Monday before fleeing the restaurant with her order, authorities said.

Delila Hernandez, 30, pulled up to the Las Cruces drive-thru on her bicycle and ordered a meal, police said. After telling the server that God would pick up her tab, the server replied "that's not how this works," the Las Cruces Sun-News reported.

The server gave Hernandez the meal after she allegedly threatened him.

The server called the police and Hernandez was found eating the meal in a nearby park. She told officers she knew what she did was wrong and contemplated not eating the food.

She eventually gave in because she was "starving," according to court documents obtained by the paper.


Hernandez was charged with felony robbery, which will most likely be reduced to a petty misdemeanor of under $250, a spokeswoman for the Third District District Attorney's Office told the paper. The report added that she will likely be forced to pay back the restaurant and possibly fined an additional amount, or the charges may be entirely dropped.