Most outrageous food clothing

It doesn't get sweeter than this. Designers Hissa Igarashi and Sayuri Marakumi created an Alexander McQueen-inspired dress made entirely out of gummy bears --50,000 to be exact.  (Twelv)

According to <a href="">TWELV Magazine</a><b>,</b> to create the dress, steel wire was twisted into the shape of the dress and covered with a sheet of vinyl where 50,000 gummy bears were then painstakingly glued on by hand. The gummy bear dress weighs 220 pounds, took three weeks to complete, and requires the strength of three adults to move. (Twelv)

A model wears an octopus top and a seaweed skirt made by chef and food designer Roland Trettl at the Museum fuer Kommunikation in Berlin, Germany. (Odd Andersen, AFP)

Designer Ami Goodheart’s artichoke dress which cost hundreds of dollars to create. (Ami Goodheart)

Designer Ami Goodheart’s interpretation of an outfit almost entirely made of bread. The handbag is even made of dough. (Ami Goodheart)

Lady Gaga proudly wearing fashion designer Franc Fernandez's meat dress. (Reuters)

Lady Gaga wearing a meatkini on the cover of Vogue Hommes Japan.  (Vogue Hommes Japan)

Fashion designer Franc Fernandez’s new meat shirt. Don’t worry it isn't real meat, but a digital image taken of the meat used to make Lady Gaga’s meat dress. (Franc Fernandez)

Designer Ami Goodheart created his meat dress two years before Lady Gaga walked the red carpet in her infamous outfit. (Ami Goodheart )

Designer Ami Goodheart’s pasta top and ravioli shorts. To get the noodles to stick together the design team used egg whites. (Ami Goodheart )

Designer Ami Goodheart’s fruit and waffle outfit that looked good enough to eat. (Ami Goodheart)

A woman created an entire wedding dress out of a cake. (Gather and Nest)

Check out the baker’s checkered and edible cake inside the wedding dress. (Gather and Nest)